Title : Jacky Daydream
Author :
Jacqueline Wilson (2007)
Publisher :
Doubleday and Lorgi Yearling
Genre :
Fiction (Children's book)
Illustration: Nick
One word for the book
: Happy ending
It was my parents who's
also avid readers despite different genre, that gave my little sister
a Jacqueline's book; The Cat Mummy. To be exact my little sister read
it on the plane and cried because it was about a cat that died of old
age. Mind you, my little sister was only in her primary school that
time (barely ten years old, if my memory doesn't falter me). From
there, we start reading Jacqueline's book. She loves all of them and
so do I.
Summary: Do
not read this if you hate spoilers.
stories always focused on a little girl ranging from age of nine to
twelve with their different personalities (brave, funny, timid, shy,
twin and tomboys) and their upside down life. And despite every
problem from divorce parents, get bullied, peed in pants, or run away
from home, they always find happiness in many ways. That's why at
this age (not so young!) I found it hard to read her books. I love it
once. So it could be bias to write about them now. But what I do
know, its very comforting that such positive and warm books still
exists for kids these days. They need hopes and dreams while they
still can before they grow and become adults right?
List of Jacqueline's
- Bad girls
- Bed and breakfast star
- Burried alive
- The cat mummy
- Cliffhanger
- Diamond girls
- Double act
- Jacky Daydream
- The lottie project
- Mum minder
- Secrets
- Story of Tracy Beaker
- Dustbin baby
- Lizzy Zipmouth
- Suitcase Kid
These are just some of her books that I've read so maybe there's
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